Discover the truth behind HSBC’s claim of tokenizing gold with Mike Maloney and Alan Hibbard. In this eye-opening discussion, they dissect the fine print of HSBC’s gold investment scheme. Learn why this supposed innovation might not be what it seems, the limitations investors face, and the significant risks involved. If you’re considering investing in tokenized gold or simply want to understand the implications, this is a must-watch.
Mike Maloney is more than just a legend in the precious metals industry. He’s on a mission to help everyone maximize their individual prosperity. Mike is best known as the host of the hit video series Hidden Secrets of Money and his extremely popular YouTube channel which has over 100 million views, where he reveals the truth about money, currency, and the flaws in our monetary system. Mike’s also a best-selling author of Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver, and The Great Gold and Silver Rush of the 21st Century. For nearly two decades, Maloney has traveled the globe, sharing his deep insights into economics and monetary history with diverse audiences, from Silicon Valley tech gurus to Wall Street financiers, and from Hong Kong business leaders to Roman scholars.
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